Thursday, January 26, 2012

SOO.. I have done many blogs in the past and they have all fallen by the wayside.... Hopefully this time will be different.

I need an outlet- a place to send my thoughts- a place to express myself. 

You know when your in High School and the teachers make you write out your five year plan for after graduation... They drill into you.... that you HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN!! Well... My life now is nothing what I had planned for myself. My five year plan in high school was to graduate, go to college for nursing and graduate with a Bachelors Degree, find a good christian man, and get married. I will have been out of school 6 years this coming June.. and I feel like the time has flown by. These past 6 years have not been easy ones.. and I am not sad or upset at where my life has headed... I am blessed to have experienced life and I have grown into a better person because it. 

~From The Beginning~

I met my best friend when I was 18 years old.

Some people may think.. WHAT?!?! You had no friends?!?.... I had friends.... I thought I had "Best Friends".... the truth was I had Great friends.. I just hadn't met my BEST yet.... 

He was tall and shy, he couldn't look me in the eye let alone carry a conversation with me. He befriended my mother first. He baked my dad a pie. He stole my heart. 

Our first date was November 7, 2006... I had just gotten home from work and showered when he came knocking at the door. He was early.. and no one was home to answer because it was voting day. So I answered the door myself- all disheveled... turns out trying to blow dry your hair and brush your teeth at the same time is not the best idea on date night... 

It didn't seem to bother him though having to wait... That night was fun... Who knew that bowling and Sam's Italian could be such a great date. I will never forget the 7inch pizza! We were both so nervous we didn't eat hardly any of it!

That was the night that I fell in love with my best friend!!

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